
#pragma once与 #ifndef的区别


今年招的本科生都在实习, 最近他们在准备毕业论文, 论文用C++, 于是其中有位牛人(确实很牛, 今天上午他刚查完日语能力考的成绩, 1级过了, 恭喜一下~)问了我这个问题:#pragma once与 #ifndef的区别


以前还真没注意pragma,他是编译指示, 从pragmatic来的?


他们都是用来防止同一个文件被include了多次,  调查了一下整理如下:




    #ifndef __SOMEFILE_H__
    #define __SOMEFILE_H__    1
    ... ... // 一些声明语句






    #pragma once
    ... ... // 一些声明语句

    #pragma once则由编译器提供保证:同一个文件不会被包含多次。注意这里所说的“同一个文件”是指物理上的一个文件,而不是指内容相同的两个文件。带来的好处 是,你不必再费劲想个宏名了,当然也就不会出现宏名碰撞引发的奇怪问题。对应的缺点就是如果某个头文件有多份拷贝,本方法不能保证他们不被重复包含。当 然,相比宏名碰撞引发的“找不到声明”的问题,重复包含更容易被发现并修正。




1. #ifndef 由语言支持所以移植性好,#pragma 可以避免名字冲突

2. 调查一下<stdlib.h>和<iostream>等标准库, 用得都是#ifndef, 我个人推荐这种方式.


2 楼 wjason 2010-01-05  
TO: slimzhao



引用 Global names [lib.global.names]

1 Certain sets of names and function signatures are always reserved to the implementation:
— Each name that contains a double underscore (_ _) or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter (2.11) is reserved to the implementation for any use.

— Each name that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implementation for use as a name in the
global namespace.165)


7.1.3 Reserved identifiers
1 Each header declares or defines all identifiers listed in its associated subclause, and optionally declares or defines identifiers listed in its associated future library directions subclause and identifiers which are always reserved either for any use or for use as file scope identifiers.

— All identifiers that begin with an underscore and either an uppercase letter or another underscore are always reserved for any use.
— All identifiers that begin with an underscore are always reserved for use as identifiers with file scope in both the ordinary and tag name spaces.
— Each macro name in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) is reserved for use as specified if any of its associated headers is included; unless explicitly stated otherwise (see 7.1.4).
— All identifiers with external linkage in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) are always reserved for use as identifiers with external linkage.154)
— Each identifier with file scope listed in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) is reserved for use as a macro name and as an identifier with file scope in the same name space if any of its associated headers is included.

2 No other identifiers are reserved. If the program declares or defines an identifier in a context in which it is reserved (other than as allowed by 7.1.4), or defines a reserved identifier as a macro name, the behavior is undefined.

3 If the program removes (with #undef) any macro definition of an identifier in the first group listed above, the behavior is undefined.

1 楼 slimzhao 2010-01-01  
说的更直白点: pragma once 是VC编译器的做法, 虽然#pragma 本身是编译器之间的事实标准.

关于第二条, 我个人也更喜欢 #ifndef, 但是对于VC程序, 使用pragma有另一个好处:
它可以真正避免compiler 读取一个头文件, #ifndef或许不能, 一个隐含的问题是: 预编译器还是要把头文件从头读到尾. 目的仅仅是为了发现结束的 #endif

这在<<C++ common knowledge>>中有提到. 所以有建议使用外部 #ifndef方法, 也就是在.cpp文件中使用
#ifndef __SOMEFILE_H__
#include "somefile.h"

但这个方法有个严重的不便, 你必需保证__SOMEFILE_H__这个符号的同步, 否则会出严重问题.

所以更新的C++规范, 如Hurb Sutter的书中, 又再次建议不要使用这种方法. 回归到头文件开始放一个 #ifndef, 结尾放一个 #endif, 说现在的编译器已经聪明到可以真正避免去读取该文件了.

验证这一点的方法, 对于VC, 可以打开/showincludes, 对于gcc, 我猜想也有一个选项, 但不知道是什么, 如果是在windows上, 还可以用filemon这样的工具监控是否真有文件操作.

结论还是一样, 我也是推荐#ifndef, 至于宏名字冲突, 我在现实中基本没碰到过, 如果真的担心, 可以用stdafx.h中的一个技巧, 用uuidgen生成一个UUID, 就保险了.

另外, __SOMEFILE_H__是不妥的
* 开头为_的标识符是编译器保留的
* 即使不在开头出现, 连续的两个_也是编译器保留的, 这一点比第一点更少有人会注意, 我记得你的blog中提到你有C++ 标准 PDF, 别相信我, 去验证一下.


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